HRPP Policy & Guidelines

During 2019 and 2020, the NIH Intramural Program (IRP) transitioned from Human Subjects Protections Program (HRPP) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to HRPP policies. (See General and Structural Changes to the NIH HRPP Policies for more information.) These policies are applicable to NIH clinical investigators, non-NIH clinical investigators when relying upon the NIH IRB, to the Office of IRB Operations (IRBO), and to the NIH IRB when it is the Reviewing IRB. These policies also apply when the NIH IRB is acting as the Public Health Emergency Research Review Board (PHERRB) for the United States. Additional supplemental educational materials are provided below each policy link to aid investigators and research teams with the implementation of these policies.

Policy page update

The official repository for the HRPP policies is in the OMA Manual Chapter (MC) system. Manual Chapter 3014 is a chapter within the Intramural Policy Series 3000. The MC 3014 contains the HRPP policies which can be found here. In MC 3014, you will notice a slight difference in the policy numbering to reflect the MC under which the policies fall, (e.g., Policy 100, will be listed as Policy 3014-100 in the MC system). 

How to request an archived policy:

OHSRP is the official HRPP standard operating procedure (SOP) archive, these SOPs are no longer in effect and have been superseded by Manual Chapter (MC) 3014. To request a copy of an archived SOP email:

OMA is the policy archive for the HRPP policies (MC 3014). To request a copy of a HRPP policy (MC 3014) email:

Please contact Heather Bridge for any questions or concerns.

100 Series - Institutional Authorities and Requirements

100 - NIH HRPP

100 - Policy - NIH HRPP (Printer friendly version available)

101 - Organizational Structure of OHSRP

101 - Policy - Organizational Structure of OHSRP (Printer friendly version available)

102 - Investigator Conflict of Interest and Government Royalties

COI Certifications and Guide

For the COI Certifications and Guide please navigate to this page. 

103 - Education Program

Formerly Policy number 201

103 - Policy - Education Program (Printer friendly version available)

104 - Research-Related Subject Complaints

104 - Policy - Research-Related Subject Complaints (Printer friendly version available)

105 - IRB Reliance and Collaborative Research

105 - Policy - IRB Reliance and Collaborative Research (Printer friendly version available)

106 - Ancillary Reviews

106 - Policy - Ancillary Reviews (Printer friendly version available)

107 - Privacy and Confidentiality 

107 - Policy - Privacy and Confidentiality (Printer friendly version available)

108 - OHSRP Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Program 

109 - Coverage Under the NIH FWA

109 - Policy - Coverage Under the NIH FWA (Printer friendly version available)

200 Series - IRB Authorities and Requirements

200 - IRB Scope and Authority

200 - Policy - IRB Scope and Authority (Printer friendly version available)

201 - IRB Membership and Composition

201 - Policy - IRB Membership and Composition (Printer friendly version available)

202 - Board Member Financial Conflict of Interest

202 - Policy - Board Member Conflict of Interest (Printer friendly version available)

203 - Support of IRB Operations

203 - Policy - Support of IRB Operations (Printer friendly version available)

204 - Levels of IRB Review and Criteria for IRB

204 - Policy - Levels of IRB Review and Criteria for IRB (Printer friendly version available)

205 - Requirements for IRB Submissions

205 - Policy - Requirements for IRB Submissions (Printer friendly version available)

206 - Maintenance of Records 

206 - Policy - Maintenance of Records (Printer friendly version available)

207 - Public Health Emergency Research Review Board

300 Series - Investigator Responsibilities

300 - Investigator Responsibilities

300 - Policy - Investigator Responsibilities (Printer friendly version available)

301 - Informed Consent

301 - Policy - Informed Consent (Printer friendly version available)

302 - Recruitment and Compensation

302 - Policy - Subject Recruitment and Compensation (Printer friendly version available)

303 - Intramural Research Program Telehealth Requirements

400 Series - Regulatory Protections for Vulnerable Populations

400 - Research Involving Pregnant Women, Fetuses, and Neonates

401 - Research Involving Prisoners

401- Policy - Research Involving Prisoners (Printer friendly version available)

402 - Children in Research

402- Policy - Research Involving Children (Printer friendly version available)

403 - Research with Subjects Lacking Capacity to Consent

404 - Research Involving NIH Staff or Immediate Family Members of the Study Team as Subjects

404-Policy-Research Involving NIH Staff as Subjects  (Printer friendly version available)

500 Series - FDA Requirements for Human Subjects Research and Data and Safety Monitoring

500 - Research Involving Drugs, Biological, and Nutritional Products

501 - Research Involving FDA Regulated Devices 

501 - Policy - Research Involving FDA Regulated Devices (Printer friendly version available)

502 - Expanded Access, Including Emergency Use of Investigational Drugs, Biologics, and Medical Devices (Test Articles)

Humanitarian Use Device FAQs

For Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) FAQs please navigate to this page

503 - Data and Safety Monitoring 

503 - Policy - Data and Safety Monitoring (Printer friendly version available)

800 Series - Compliance and Research Event Reporting Requirements

801 - Reporting Research Events

801 - Policy - Reporting Research Events (Printer friendly version available)

802 - Non-Compliance in HSR

802 - Policy - Non-Compliance in HSR (Printer friendly version available)

Policy and Accreditation

For more information, please visit the OHSRP Policy and Accreditation page here.