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Policy Update - 2019 Q4

By: Heather Bridge

The revision of the human research protection program (HRPP) policies is ongoing. In addition to the Policy memorandum released in January about the 2018 Common Rule requirements, 15 HRPP policies have been approved, of which three (3) have been released and are implemented.  The implemented policies are located on the IRBO website. All other HRPP SOPs continue to apply, and are accessible on the IRBO website, until we release the new policies in an ordered fashion. These policies will supersede the HRPP SOPs and Manual Chapter. As we explained previously, the numbering and structure of the polices have changed.  Twenty (20) additional polices have been drafted and are in the process of clearance.  It looks like it will be early 2020 before all policies are cleared.  We will then focus on development of Guidelines and tools to aid research teams.