- OHRP Simplifying Informed Consent (November 2020)
- Capacity to give consent: what is it? Who has it? (Bioethics Grand Rounds-02/05/2020) Videocast
- OHSRP Education Series presentations:
- Important Changes to Informed Consent: The Regs, the Policies, the Procedures and Forms, Oh My (4/3/2020) Slides and Videocast
- Informed Consent One Year after the 2018 Common Rule Revisions: Updated Information and Processes (1/14/2020) Slides and Videocast
- Informed consent process—good, bad and ugly
The Informed Consent Process-The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (5/2/
Re-consent and Subject Notification: Expectations and Flexibilities for Complying with the Common Rule
Reconsent and subject notification(8/4/
22- Considerations for modernizing the IC process Modernizing the Informed Consent Process (12/1/222022) Slides and Videocast
- Considerations for IC in gene therapy (10/5/23)
- Overview of IRB expectations when non-english speaking persons enroll in research (2/1/24)
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