The sharing of specimens/data with other investigators does not require IRB approval per se. However, the new use of the specimens/data for research may require IRB approval. In order to share specimens/data Secondary Research
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FAQs about Secondary Research
Compliance in Dealing with Participant Related Concerns/Complaints
Compliance with Training Requirements for Investigators Conducting Human Subjects Research Accordion | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Can I Share Specimens or Data from My IRB-Approved Protocol for Secondary Research*? Review the consent form associated with the protocol to determine which scenario below is true. There is…. *Secondary research: research use of biospecimens or data for other than the original purpose(s) for which the biospecimens or data were initially collected through interaction or intervention with living individuals 1 If you will receive research results that you can link back to identifiers after sharing specimens or data, the project is considered to be human subjects research. You must submit a secondary research protocol to address the planned research and seek IRB approval prior to initiation of the activities. The protocol must include new consent or a justification of a waiver of consent for the planned research. 2 In some circumstances, it may be appropriate to re-consent the subject to allow their specimens and data to be shared. Consult the IRB if you wish to proceed with sharing. |
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If the terms of the original consent prohibit sharing, then you should consult with the IRB to determine if there is a path forward. If the IRB provides guidance that sharing might be allowed, they will require you to re-consent subjects prior to any sharing. The other situation in which you should seek IRB approval is if you are getting identifiable results/data returned to you from your collaborator, and the research is not described in the primary protocol. In this case, you are considered to be conducting new secondary research yourself. In other words, if you are sharing coded specimens (for which you have the code key) with an investigator who does not have the code key, and you are getting individual level data back (not aggregate data), this is human subjects research. The rationale is that you are receiving new information about your subjects that you can link back to identifiers. This activity needs IRB approval not because the specimens are being shared, but because identifiable data is being returned to the NIH research team that will be used for research. Note that if you are only sharing or collaborating in research involving specimens/data for which the NIH research team has no access to identifiers or the ability to re-identify, this is not considered to be human subjects research. Furthermore, the investigator does not need to submit for a request for determination of "not human subjects research" as was required in the past. If you wish to share or receive human biospecimens and/or human data outside NIH under a Material Transfer Agreement, a Data Transfer/Use Agreement or a Research Collaborator Agreement, an Investigator Attestation must be completed and provided to the appropriate Tech Transfer contact. Please see NIH Tech Transfer on the OHSRP website for more details and a copy of this document. |
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Sharing and secondary research with existing specimens/data must comply with the terms of the original informed consent document. Researchers are expected to review all previous versions of the consent form to determine who consented to what. If the original consent form addresses the use and sharing of specimens/data for future research, the new plan for sharing and research should be consistent with the language in the original consent document. If there is language in the original consent form which is contrary to sharing or future research generally or conflicts with the specific sharing and research plan, the investigator cannot proceed. This is true, even if the specimens/data are being used or shared in a de-identified manner, or if the subjects are deceased. Some examples of prohibitive or restrictive language include:
If the initial consent contained restrictive language and you wish to be able to do future research or share the specimens/data, consult with the IRB. Depending on the type of limitations, the IRB may require you to re-consent the subjects to allow the sharing or research to go ahead. After that point, the specimens/data, of those that provide consent, would now be able to be used. |
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If the original consent form (for new protocols approved before January 21, 2019) was silent on the topic of sharing and future research, then IRB will consider whether the proposed use is acceptable with a waiver or if re-consent is required. Per the revised Common Rule (for new protocols approved on or after January 21, 2019), there are new consent requirements which affect what is allowable as part of secondary research. Please see FAQ 9. Furthermore, for protocols approved on or after the revised Common Rule implementation date, OHSRP advises that if the investigator intends to use coded or identifiable specimens/data for future research, there should be language in the consent form informing the subject of this. See the current Consent Templates for Use at NIH Sites. |
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Consent to use specimens/data for future research is not sufficient to allow the investigator to move forward with secondary research with identifiable specimens/data. This type of consent language simply allows the investigator to store the materials for future research (or use the materials once completely anonymized (stripped of all identifiers)). If the investigator will conduct new research using existing identifiable specimens/data, generally they are expected to submit a new research protocol and seek IRB approval. |
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A waiver of consent is when the requirement to obtain informed consent for research is formally waived by the IRB. The waiver applies to the proposed research activity, not to the sharing of specimens/data. The IRB will consider whether the proposed use is consistent with the terms of the original consent and whether there are any new risks. If the conditions described below in the next FAQ are met, then the IRB may grant the waiver. The IRB will not grant a waiver that is counter to the terms of the original consent, nor can the IRB grant a waiver for broad, unspecified future use. |
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When requesting a waiver for a research protocol being reviewed and approved on or after January 21, 219, address and provide justification in the protocol for the following specific regulatory criteria:
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No. Identifiable specimens/data can be stored even after the primary protocol is closed; you do not have to discard or de-identify them. The primary protocol must only remain open if you are using the specimens/data for research purposes described in the protocol. The specimens/data can be stored unused until there is approval of a secondary research protocol. However, although it is permissible to store them, you cannot access or use the identifiable specimens/data for research without an IRB-approved protocol in place. |
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If the proposed research is directly related to the primary protocol’s aims/objectives, then you can consider adding the new research to the primary protocol. However, if the new project is unrelated to the primary protocol’s aims/objectives, it would be considered new research and needs to be submitted as its own protocol. A protocol needs to be cohesive, and disconnected ideas and experiments are not considered approvable research. |
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The OHSRP website has templates to guide you in writing your secondary research protocol.
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A repository is an organized system to collect, maintain and store specimens/data, most often for future research use. The materials may be prospectively collected from humans for inclusion in a repository, or the repository may house existing materials originally collected for other purposes, including non-research purposes. Repositories can also be referred to as registries, data banks, databases, or biobanks. Repositories that are designed to prospectively collect specimens/data from humans for research purposes and/or to maintain and distribute specimens/data (that are linked to identifiers) to researchers must have IRB approval and oversight. Accordingly, a repository protocol should first be submitted for IRB review. The repository protocol itself generally does not describe the details of the secondary research. Any secondary research involving the identifiable specimens/data from the repository would require submission of a separate protocol to the IRB. Another option would be for the investigator conducting the secondary research to receive all of the specimens and data in an anonymized or coded and linked format, with no access to the code key. In this case, the investigator(s) overseeing the repository protocol would be acting as an “honest broker” and either permanently anonymize the specimens and data before sharing them or coding them and maintaining the code key, so that only they are in a position to re-link to the original identifiers. |
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There is a repository protocol template on the OHSRP website under the Observational Research Protocol Templates |
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Information on how to check required training records can be found at the Training FAQs link on the OHSRP website. |
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If the investigator is covered by the NIH FWA, they should click on the green box labeled “CITI Training” on the NIH CITI Training page to gain entry to the NIH CITI portal and complete the required CITI course/refresher. Additional Information related to expired CITI training can be found by going to the NIH CITI Training page on the OHSRP website and clicking on the green box labeled “Expired CITI Training.” |
Compliance with Requirements for Obtaining Informed Consent
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