NIH as Participating Site Relying on an External IRB (sIRB)
Relying on WCG IRB (formerly WIRB)
Guidance - Using NIH funds to Pay for Advarra or WCG IRB Services.pdf
Video - WIRB Orientation for Investigators and Research Team
Relying on Advarra
Guidance - Using NIH funds to Pay for Advarra or WCG IRB Services.pdf
Video - Advarra Orientation for Investigators and Research Team
Submitting in PROTECT
- Presentation-Tips & Tricks: Preparing Submissions When Relying on an External IRB 01.03.2024
- PROTECT Tip Sheet for NIH Research Teams: Tips and Tricks: Relying on a External IRB
- Find Step by Step PROTECT Multi-site Guides in the PROTECT Help Center
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