OHSRP Newsletter - 2022 Q1
As we head into the middle of 2022, much of OHSRP’s efforts
are focused on the design and implementation of our new eIRB
submission system. As you can imagine, this is a complex project with
lots of moving parts. The Huron team and OHSRP have been meeting
multiple times each week to go over all aspects of the system design.
In addition, the teams are working closely with representatives of the
Scientific Review Groups, Office of Protocol Services, Radiation Safety,
Institutional Biosafety Committee, and the Deputy Ethics Counselors
to address each group’s requirements. We are excited about the
system and are confident that in the end, the change will be a positive
experience for all users. Please see the detailed update later in this
newsletter. Keep an eye out for upcoming presentations and demos
as our team hits the road to introduce you to the new system.