Resource Index
- Please click here for Accreditation News.
Common Rule (Changes Related to the 2018 Common Rule)
- Cooperative Research
- Exemptions from IRB Review
- Exemptions: Common Rule Bulletin #2
- Implementation of the 2018 Common Rule [within the NIH IRP] (OHSRP memo-1/15/2019)
- OHRP Human Subject Regulation Decision Charts: 2018 Requirements (Exemptions)
- OHRP Overview of Changes to Exemptions in the Revised Common Rule (Focusing on Exemptions 1, 2, 3, and 5)
- OHSRP Education Session: Exemptions from IRB Review and the Revised Common Rule: What Has Changed and What Has Stayed the Same? (6/13/2019) Slides and Videocast
- Informed Consent
- Biospecimens/Data Requirements in ICF: Common Rule Bulletin #3
- Broad Consent: Common Rule Bulletin #6
- Key Information: Common Rule Bulletin #1
- OHSRP Education Session: Important Changes to Informed Consent: The Regs, the Policies, the Procedures and Forms, Oh My (4/3/2019) Slides and Videocast
- Posting of ICFs: Common Rule Bulletin #5
- “Reasonable Person” Standard in ICF: Common Rule Bulletin #4
- OHSRP Education Series 2020 Informed Consent One Year after the 2018 Common Rule Revisions Updated Information and Processes (1/14/2020) Slides and Videocast
FDA Regulated Test Articles, Research With
- Acronyms Commonly Used in Research
- Adverse Event Reporting
- FDA Guidance for Clinical Investigators, Sponsors, and IRBs Adverse Event Reporting to IRBs — Improving Human Subject Protection
- FDA webpage: “What is a Serious Adverse Event?”
- Covid-19
- OHSRP webpage: FDA Information regarding Covid-19
- FDA Guidance on Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products during COVID-19
- Drug label changes per FDA-How to Receive Email Updates from FDA
- Expanded Access
- IND Safety Reporting-see section on IND safety reporting-Sponsor vs IRB Reporting Policies
- MRI: A Framework for Device Classification for Clinical Research Protocols using MRI in the In Vivo NMR Center (4/17/2020)
- OHSRP Education Session: Bench to Bedside to Market: FDA Regulation of Medical Devices (11/4/2019):
- Slides for Development and Regulation of Medical Devices,
- Slides for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests as Devices), and
- Videocast including both sessions
- Policies
- Policy 500, Research Involving Drugs, Biological, and Nutritional Products and Policy 500 Presentation
- Policy 501, Research Involving FDA Regulated Devices and Policy 501 Presentation
- Policy 502, Expanded Access, Including Emergency Use of Investigational Drugs, Biologics, and Medical Devices (Test Article) and Policy 502 Presentation
Human Subjects Research vs. Not Human Subjects Research
IND Safety Reporting-Sponsor vs IRB Reporting Policies
Informed Consent
- Assent requirements-see Policy 402 Research Involving Children and Policy 402 Presentation
- Capacity to give consent: what is it? Who has it? (Bioethics Grand Rounds-02/05/2020) Videocast
- Conducting Informed Consent During the COVID-19 Outbreak (OHSRP Guidance 7/13/2020)
- Consent and assent related templates and forms
- Consent language library
- Obtaining Remote Consent and Guidance for Protocol Language for Remote Consent
- OHSRP Education Series presentations:
- OHRP Informed Consent FAQs
- OHRP Simplifying Informed Consent (November 2020)
- FAQs as pdf
- Participants lacking capacity to consent to HSR: Policy 403 Research Involving Adults Who Lack Decision-making Capacity to Consent to Research Participation and Policy 403 Presentation
- Policy 301 Informed Consent
- Short form consents
- Vulnerable Populations: For consent requirements, see specific policies in 400 Series - Regulatory Protections for Vulnerable Populations
International Research
Investigator education and training requirements
- Accessing training completion records in the NIH CITI portal and transferring CITI records to NIH
- CITI training access link via the NIH CITI portal
- FWA Coverage and Training Requirements for Volunteers Serving as AIs on NIH Protocol
- Policy 103 Education Program and Policy 103 guidance
- OHSRP Training FAQs
IRB Member Review Resources
IRB Review Processes
- Acronyms Commonly Used in Research
- Ancillary reviews
- CRADA information
- Blood volumes limits policy at NIH (MAS Policy for the Clinical Center)
- Deputy Ethics Counselors (DEC)
- Institutional Biosafety Committee
- Policy 106 Ancillary Reviews and Policy 106 Presentation
- Scientific Review
- COVID-19-IRB information regarding COVID-19
- Identifiable information: Guidance for Determining Whether Data Constitutes Individually Identifiable Information Under 45 CFR 46
- Genomics
- NIH Genomic Data Sharing (NIH OSP)
- Secondary Genomics Findings Service (Les Biesecker 11/19/2018) Videocast
- International Research
- Information to be included in protocols conducted in another country (scroll down to section 700 of the page)
- IRB review and informed consent documents to be used in research conducted in other countries (scroll down to section 700 of the page)
- Policy 700 International Research and Policy and Policy 700 Presentation
- IRB Oversight: IRB Oversight for my NIH Protocol: Who Needs it and How to Get it (OHSRP Decision Tree)
- NIH IRP Guidance on Pregnancy Testing
- Obtaining Remote Consent and Guidance for Protocol Language for Remote Consent
- OHRP Engagement of Institutions in Human Subjects Research (2008)
- OHRP Independent Review of Research
- OHRP Investigator Responsibilities FAQs
- OHRP Reporting to OHRP: Unanticipated Problems (2020)
- OHRP What are IRBs?
OHSRP Division of Compliance and Training (C&T)
- Contact email for C&T:
- Definition (See Policy 802, section 4.5)
- OHRP Reporting to OHRP: Unanticipated Problems (2020)
- OHSRP Education Series archived presentations (webpage with slides and videocast links for each session)
- OHSRP Education Presentation: Two Years Since Release of the “NEW” OHSRP Research Related Event Reporting Policies: How is the IRP Doing? (5/4/2021) Slides and Videocast
- Policies
- Responsibilities of C&T (See Policy 801, section 5.2.1)
- Staff in C&T
- Brenna Hansen:
- Dorinda Metzger:
- Peg Sanders:
Privacy and the Privacy Act of 1974
- Enrollment of NIH staff (as related to privacy considerations) see Policy 404 Research Involving NIH Staff as Subjects and Policy 404 Presentation
- Privacy FAQs (as related to the Privacy Act of 1974)
- NIH Privacy Glossary (NIH Office of the Senior Official for Privacy, 2017)
- Privacy language required in informed consent documents, See Consent Templates
- Privacy Rule (HIPAA Privacy Rule), For Implications of HIPAA on recruitment at non-NIH recruitment sites see OHSRP Information Sheet: Recruitment and Screening of Potential Participants for Research Reviewed by the NIH IRB
- Policy 107: Privacy and Confidentiality and Policy 107 Presentation
- FDA Information Sheet: Recruiting Study Subjects: Guidance for Institutional Review Boards
- Policy 302 Subject Recruitment and Compensation
- OHSRP Recruitment Information Sheet
- OHRP Guidance: IRB Review of Clinical Trial Websites
- NIH Social Media Guidelines
Reliance, FWA Coverage, Single IRB, and Multisite Studies
- Federalwide Assurance Numbers (OHRP database)
- Decision Tree: IRB Oversight for my NIH Protocol: Who needs it and How to Get it
- FWA Coverage and Training Requirements for Volunteers Serving as AIs on NIH Protocol
- OHRP What are IRBs?
- OHSRP Guidance: What is the NIH Federalwide Assurance (FWA) and how does this relate to multi-site research conducted by the NIH Intramural Research Program (IRP)?
- Policies and guidance documents
- FWA Coverage and IRB Reliance in Collaborative Research
- NIH sIRB Policy in the context of the IRP during COVID-19 Pandemic
- OHSRP Education Series presentations:
- Reliance and Single IRB Resources
- Workflow Diagram: Reliance Arrangements
Research Related Events and Reporting to the IRB
Secondary Research and Repositories
Sharing Data and Specimens
Unanticipated Problems
Vulnerable Populations
Content Tools