Getting Started for IRB Members

There are a few requirements you must complete prior to signing up for NIH IRB Meetings, which include:

  1. Completion of CITI Biomedical Training Module
  2. Observance of one convened NIH IRB Meeting
    1. Please email the Nicole Grant with the date/time you would like to attend. The Coordinators will alert the Analyst assigned to the meeting, and you will be sent details via an Outlook invite a few days prior to the meeting.
    2. Access Link: NIH IRB Meeting Calendar
  3. Attending the IRB Board Member Training conducted by Nicole Grant, Executive Chair
    1. These occur throughout the year, and we will provide you with a date/time to ensure your attendance.
  4. Completion of PROTECT Training
    1. Assists you in navigating the system for reviews.

Once you have completed the above three requirements and have received a Board Member account, you may contact the PROTECT Trainers by  submitting a ticket to schedule your training.

Upon completion of these requirements, please sign and date the NIH IRB Training Completion Form found below and return to Nicole Grant at your earliest convenience.

Please visit the IRB Member Resources page for additional information.

IRB Member Resources

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